Dr. Carlos Uribe is an Interventional cardiologist practicing in large volume, referral Academic and Teaching University Centers (Clinica CardioVID, Hospital Pablo Tobon Uribe), exposed to highly complex coronary cases, and focused on Academic Research and Teaching. He has done more than 10000 Diagnostic and 5000 Percutaneous Coronary interventions. His main interests are Complex Coronary Intervention (Bifurcations, Chronic Total Occlusions, Calcific lesions), Coronary artery Functional and imaging evaluation with FFR, the new rest index (iFR, rFR, dP/da, etc.), and Coronary Imagining (OCT, and IVUS). He also develops cost-saving strategies for FFR evaluation in low/mid-income countries in Latin America. His other research interests are STEMI and high thrombus management during coronary STEMI cases.