Patient Resources | SCAI
Get a Pulse on PAD


Get a Pulse on PAD

Our Latest Patient-Focused Campaign

A patient-orientated resource center that dispels myths about this condition and educates patients about symptoms, risk factors, and treatment options. 

Also, on Seconds Count

Your Heart

Easy to understand articles and illustrations intended to educate a layperson on the anatomy of the heart and its valves.

Your Care

A resource to explain health disparities between different groups including children, heart health specific to women, and people from minority groups who have a higher risk of health disparities.

    Patient Guides

    These guides can assist patients with many aspects of their care, such as finding a doctor or dealing with insurance. We recommend exploring the database to see the variety of guides, as many of them will be specific to individual conditions.

    Your guide to healthcare
    An illustration of a doctor performing a sonogram on a pregnant person.

    Animated Guides

    Share the following animations with your patients to help them gain an understanding of cardiovascular conditions that can affect the human body and the procedures used to treat them. The following pages have animations:

      Conditions, Tests, and Treatment Pages

      Relevant pages will have an "Ask Your Doctor" section that patients can download or print out to bring with them to appointments. You will also find helpful illustrations and detailed descriptions of conditions, tests, and treatments. Explore these pages to learn more:

      Find an Interventionalist

      A feature on that helps patients and caregivers find an interventional cardiologist in their area or information for an interventional cardiologist they would like to contact.


      We strongly encourage SCAI members to check the directory to ensure that they are only published in the directory if they wish to be and that their correct contact information is displayed.