Maintenance of Certification (MOC) | SCAI

American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) MOC

Recognizing the unprecedented demands physicians are facing in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, ABIM has taken steps to provide maximum flexibility so that they can dedicate their time and energy to caring for those in need: 

  • Ensuring that no one will lose certification if they aren’t able to complete a Maintenance of Certification (MOC) requirement this year: Physicians that have an assessment, attestation or points due in 2020 or 2021 will have until 12/31/22 to complete them. 
  • Affording physicians currently in their grace year with an additional grace year in 2021. 
  • Working with ACCME and medical specialty societies to identify learning activities that can count for CME and MOC points. 
  • Providing additional dates and waiving late fees for physicians taking internal medicine and subspecialty initial certification exams this year. 

Please note that it may take some time before this information is updated in your Physician Portal. If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact us at 1-800-441-ABIM or

General Program Requirements for ABIM-Certified Diplomates

Every 2 years

MOC points must be earned through completion of at least one MOC activity.

Every 5 years

100 MOC points must be earned with at least 20 points in Assessment of Medical Knowledge (points earned for any SCAI educational activity count as medical knowledge).

Pass an Assessment

Pass the MOC Exam within 10 years of when you last passed, take the Knowledge Check-In every 2 years, or participate in the ACC/SCAI CathSAP Collaborative Maintenance Pathway.

Current Requirements Specific to Interventional Cardiology

Procedural Requirement

You must submit an electronic Form Attesting Interventional Cardiology Practice, verifying your performance as primary operator, co-operator or supervisor of 100 interventional cardiology procedures during the two-year documentation period, which is consistent with the ACCF/AHA/SCAI 2013 Update of the Clinical Competence Statement on Coronary Artery Interventional Procedures. 

If you are unable to meet this requirement, you may complete the Procedural Log which would allow you to attest to 25 consecutive procedures, including outcomes, completed as primary operator as a pathway to completing MOC procedural attestation requirement. 

Acceptable Procedures

  • Interventional coronary procedures (PCI)
  • Interventional peripheral procedures (PVI)
  • Interventional valvular procedures (TAVR)

Unacceptable Procedures

  • Diagnostic coronary procedures (FFR/IFR, IVUS, OCT)
  • Diagnostic peripheral procedures
  • Structural procedures (left atrial occlusion, right heart cath, biopsy)

Procedural Requirement Due Dates

In general, the Form Attesting Interventional Cardiology Practice is due every five years. The form becomes available on your MOC Status Report in January of the year that it is due. 

The documentation period begins July 1 two years prior to the attestation form becoming due. 

  • If your certificate expires 2018 or earlier: Your form is due by your certificate expiration date.  It will be due again every 5 years thereafter. 
  • If your certificate expires 2019 or later: Your form is due by 12/31/18. It will be due again every five years thereafter. 
  • If you earned your initial certificate 2013 or later: Your form is due five years after initial certification.  It will be due again every five years thereafter.


American Board of Pediatrics

The ABP supports and salutes pediatric trainees and its board-certified pediatricians who, consistent with the ABP mission, are advancing child health under extraordinary circumstances. Read the compiled updates and details to answer your questions about certification during this pandemic. 


Courses Available for MOC

Quality learning for interventional cardiologists that drives improvement in patient care.