IVL for Coronary Calcium Modification | SCAI

Sonic pressure wave therapy received Pre-Market Approval for severely calcified coronary artery disease from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on February 16, 2021. With this approval, IVL is now commercially available in the United States to treat problematic calcium in the coronary arteries.

Intravascular Lithotripsy uses sonic pressure waves that pass through soft arterial tissue and preferentially disrupt calcified plaque by creating a series of micro-fractures. After the calcium has been cracked, the artery can be expanded at low pressure and a stent safely implanted to improve blood flow, with minimal trauma to normal arterial tissue.

Explore resources from SCAI on this newly approved technology.



Recorded Webinar: IVL for Coronary Calcium Modification—Live Case and Panel Discussion

Watch this panel discussion and live case: experts in IVL therapy will discuss data from the Disrupt CAD III Trial; how to translate that data to practice; the use of imaging; and the European experience.

IVL For Coronary Screenshot


IVL for Coronary Calcium Modification

Discussed by Sunil V. Rao, MD, FSCAI, and David Kandzari, MD, FSCAI