President’s Message—June 2024 | SCAI

Dear Members,  

I'm excited and so grateful for the opportunity to serve as your president. Last month’s SCAI Scientific Sessions conference in Long Beach, CA, was an extraordinary meeting, with the most attendees ever for a SCAI conference. The interventional cardiology community is thriving, in large part thanks to the connections and passion that were on display. Thank you to all who attended and contributed. 

In my first President’s Message to you, I’d like to highlight several initiatives that I’m looking forward to in the year ahead: 

Health and Wellness

Physician wellness—your wellness—will be my mission and a major focus of my SCAI presidency. Over half of interventional cardiologists have orthopedic injuries, particularly spinal injuries, which they attribute to their lead aprons. Another 1 in 2 report signs of radiation-induced cataracts. Higher rates of various types of cancers have also been noted. 

We cannot accept this any longer. We need to care for ourselves so that we can care for our patients. I want to ensure that all members have the technology and facilities that provide the safest operating environment, so they avoid the injuries and disabilities too many of us have too often experienced. In the long term, we must shift from accepting inadequate protection to a culture of maximum safety. 

Advocacy in Action 

Part of taking care of ourselves includes strong advocacy of critical issues that matter to us: Medicare payment reform, prior authorization reform, and banning non-compete clauses. We continue to pursue our advocacy agenda, and we need your participation and counsel. Do you have an example of a non-compete clause we can highlight to members of Congress, anonymously, of course? Send them to SCAI’s Government Relations staff. Want to change a mind on Capitol Hill? Contribute to the SCAI PAC and help make change happen by telling your story directly to lawmakers. 

New Governance Structure

At Scientific Sessions, we welcomed our first-ever member-elected secretary Joaquin Cigarroa, MD, MSCAI. Under our new governance structure, we now have a more intentional board composition representing our global membership. We will continue to promote engagement, inclusion, and opportunity for all members.

Early-Career Success

I'm committed to promoting the success of our early-career members. Among our current programs are:

  • 30 in their 30’s: These awards recognize early-career interventionalists who epitomize the qualities expected of future leaders in interventional cardiology.
  • Early Career Research Grants: Provides funding for one year of research to support the career development of the next generation of academic interventional cardiologists. 
  • Emerging Leaders Mentorship: A two-year program for early-career interventionalists and structural heart interventional imaging physicians that provides professional coaching and group training, delivered in collaboration with industry supporters.
  • Mentor Connect: This program promotes community and helps early-career professionals develop the skills they need to thrive and have a fulfilling career. I encourage mentors and mentees to sign up when the Mentor Match opens for the 2025 period in March of next year.

The American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine

The comment period for establishing an independent board for cardiology (American Board for Cardiovascular Medicine) is open right now through July 24. It is time for an independent Board that reflects the evolution of cardiology into a distinct medical specialty.

The proposed new Board answers ABMS's call for a certification process that facilitates “continuous learning and improvement while simultaneously reassuring patients that their physicians are up to date in their specialty." I encourage all of you to participate and ensure the voices of interventionalists are heard. As your partner in interventional cardiology, SCAI will continue its leadership role in that process.

The Future Is Bright

Thanks to your many research contributions and dedication to our patients, our field's future is brighter than ever. I am excited to lead the charge at this point in our history, and I look forward to our work together in the coming year. 







James B. Hermiller, MD, MSCAI 
2024-25 SCAI President

Messages for Members

Updates from SCAI's Presidents on the education, advocacy, and research being led by the Society on their behalf to advance clinical practice and deliver quality care.