AHA/ACC Guideline for the Management of Adults With Congenital Heart Disease | SCAI
Apr 1st 2020
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AHA/ACC Guideline for the Management of Adults With Congenital Heart Disease

SCAI-Endorsed Documents

Despite the difficulty in studying ACHD populations, there is a growing body of high-quality data in these patients to guide the care of this relatively “new” population and, whenever feasible, these data were used to develop recommendations. These recommendations are intended to provide guidance to a wide variety of providers caring for patients with ACHD, including general, pediatric, and ACHD cardiologists, as well as surgeons, primary care providers, and other healthcare providers.

All authors: Karen K. Stout, MD; Curt J. Daniels, MD; Jamil A. Aboulhosn, MD, FSCAI; Biykem Bozkurt, MD, PhD; Craig S. Broberg, MD; Jack M. Colman, MD; Stephen R. Crumb, MSN; Joseph A. Dearani, MD; Stephanie Fuller, MD; Michelle Gurvitz , MD; Paul Khairy , MD; Michael J. Landzberg, MD; Arwa Saidi, MD; Anne Marie Valente, MD; and George F. Van Hare MD.

Other Guidance Documents

Evidence-based recommendations that promote optimal patient care based on current state-of-the-art science in interventional cardiology. 

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