SCAI Consensus Document on Occupational Radiation Exposure to the Pregnant Cardiologist and Technical Personnel | SCAI
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SCAI Consensus Document on Occupational Radiation Exposure to the Pregnant Cardiologist and Technical Personnel

Consensus Statement Cath Lab Administration DEI Occupational Health and Well-Being Quality Improvement Women's Health

Concerns regarding radiation exposure and its effects during pregnancy are often quoted as an important barrier preventing many women from pursuing a career in Interventional Cardiology. This statement aims to describe the risk of radiation exposure to pregnant physicians and cardiac catheterization personnel, to educate on appropriate radiation monitoring, and to encourage mechanisms to reduce radiation exposure.

All authors: Patricia J. M. Best, MD, FSCAI; Kimberly A. Skelding, MD, FSCAI; Roxana Mehran, MD, MSCAI; Alaide Chieffo, MD, IRCCS, FSCAI; Vijayalakshmi Kunadian, MD; Mina Madan, MD, FSCAI; Ghada W. Mikhail, MD, FRCP; Fina Mauri MD, PhD; Saeko Takahashi, MD; Junko Honye, MD; Rosana Hernández-Antolín MD; and Bonnie H. Weiner MD, MBA, MSEC, MSCAI for the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions' Women in Innovations (WIN) group.

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