SCAI PAC Fundraiser for Senator Bill Cassidy, MD (R-LA) | SCAI
PAC Event pic May 2021

SCAI Political Action Committee (SCAI PAC) recently held a virtual fundraiser for Senator Bill Cassidy, MD (R-LA) in conjunction with SCAI’s Scientific Sessions. The following generous SCAI PAC supporters attended the fundraiser and discussed SCAI’s legislative agenda with Senator Cassidy: Dr. Lyndon Box, Dr. Cindy Grines, Dr. John Marshall, Dr. Rick Snyder, Dr. Andrew Goldsweig, Dr. Arnold Seto, Dr. Edward Toggart, Dr. Joaquin Cigarroa, and Dr. Neerav Sheth. SCAI PAC looks forward to working with Senator Cassidy, MD, and his staff on the following issues: Medicare cuts, PAD prevention, and Prior Authorization reform in Medicare Advantage. Senator Cassidy, MD, (R-LA), is a gastroenterologist and member of the powerful Senate Finance Committee with jurisdiction over Medicare and other critical health care issues.