President's Message on Concerns Regarding ABIM MOC | SCAI

We would like all SCAI members to be apprised of the efforts currently undertaken by SCAI in response to your serious concerns regarding the latest changes to the American Board of Internal Medicine's Maintenance of Certification (MOC) requirements. We are clearly aware of the importance and urgency of this issue for SCAI members and, as your professional society, will do our best to address your concerns.

SCAI has formed an internal, physician-led MOC Working Group whose initial task is to work with ABIM to address our MOC needs, both from an advocacy and a practical, day-to-day perspective.

We expect the first action from this group directly after the SCAI 2014 Scientific Sessions in Las Vegas. Our goals are to –

  • Help provide you with the tools you need to fulfill the MOC requirements in ways that are meaningful and quality-driven but not burdensome.
  • Engage with the ABIM to help them shape more relevant MOC process improvement.

Above all, we are aware that ABIM's current demands appear to be insensitive to the realities of being a practicing interventional cardiologist. We consider this problem a top priority and will make every effort to improve the situation. We will, of course, look to you for feedback as we proceed.

As always, we will keep you informed and thank you for your support.

Best regards,

Ted A. Bass, MD, FSCAI
SCAI President, 2013-2014
[email protected]

Charles Chambers, MD, FSCAI
SCAI 2013-14 President -Elect
[email protected]

Messages for Members

Updates from SCAI President's on the education, advocacy, and research being led by the Society on their behalf to advance clinical practice and deliver quality patient care. 


President’s Message—June 2024