SCAI Expert Consensus Statement on Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest | SCAI
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SCAI Expert Consensus Statement on Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Consensus Statement Quality Improvement

Out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) remains a significant public health problem with high mortality and morbidity. The management decisions in the care of these patients are dynamic and interdependent, necessitating frequent clinical evaluations and a multidisciplinary team‐based approach along the entire continuum of care from pre-hospital to post-hospital care. This statement provides evidence‐based and patient‐oriented recommendations for the management of these patients.

Proposed levels of care for patients with cardiac arrest and shock

OHCA patients have a low observed rate of survival to discharge with good neurologic function.

2 in 3

deaths are due to anoxic brain injury

All authors: Amir Lotfi, MD, FSCAI; Lloyd W. Klein, MD, MSCAI; Ravi S. Hira, MD, FSCAI; Jaya Mallidi, MD, MHS, FSCAI; Roxana Mehran, MD, MSCAI, John C. Messenger, MD, FSCAI; Duane S. Pinto, MD, MPH, FSCAI; Michael R. Mooney MD, FSCAI; Tanveer Rab, MD, FSCAI; Demetri Yannopoulos, MD, FSCAI; and Sean van Diepen MD, MSc.

Other Guidance Documents

Evidence-based recommendations that promote optimal patient care based on current state-of-the-art science in interventional cardiology.