What Skillsets Are Required of Vascular Interventional Cardiologists in Evaluating and Managing Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI)? What Role Should SCAI Play in Supporting Interventional Cardiologists in Their CLI Practices, Individually and Collectively? | SCAI
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What Skillsets Are Required of Vascular Interventional Cardiologists in Evaluating and Managing Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI)? What Role Should SCAI Play in Supporting Interventional Cardiologists in Their CLI Practices, Individually and Collectively?

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Think Tank Proceedings

Each year at the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions (SCAI) Annual Scientific Sessions meeting, collaborative think tanks involving interventional cardiologists, administrative partners, and members of industry are convened for each SCAI clinical practice area to discuss topics of interest to the group.

This document presents the proceedings of a Think Tank session at SCAI 2018 which focused on poor outcomes associated with critical limb ischemia (CLI) and the skillsets needed by interventional cardiologists to provide optimal care. 

All authors: Beau M. Hawkins MD, FSCAI; Herbert D. Aronow MD, MPH, FSCAI; Sahil A. Parikh MD, FSCAI; Kenneth Rosenfield MD, MHCDS, MSCAI; Srihari S. Naidu MD, FSCAI; and the members of the SCAI 2018 Think Tank Consortium: Ellie Boutin, Brian Fennel, Kristin Fontenot, Mary Nicolosi, and Christopher Tieche PhD.

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Evidence-based recommendations that promote optimal patient care based on current state-of-the-art science in interventional cardiology. 

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