Congenital | SCAI


Aimee K. Armstrong, MD, FSCAI

Join Me in Phoenix

With the rapid development of new transcatheter devices for the treatment of congenital heart disease, I’m excited about this year’s CHD track theme of “Tools of the Trade.” The sessions and live cases will focus on innovative ways to use available tools, both old and new. I am also looking forward to our joint tricuspid valve session with the structural track on transcatheter TV repair and replacement.    

Aimee Armstrong, MD, FSCAI

Congenital Heart Disease Program Track Director


This track is dedicated to congenital interventional cardiology and will employ case-based sessions to enhance expertise through collaborative and interactive learning. 

The 2023 theme is “Tools of the Trade.” Attendees will acquire take-home knowledge of the newest and best tools of the trade and skills for navigating complex cases, maximizing procedural success, and minimizing complications.  

Target Audience  

This track will appeal to trainees, early-career physicians, and experienced practitioners of congenital interventional cardiology.

Learning Objectives 

After attending SCAI Scientific Sessions, the learner will be able to:  

  • Describe the newest techniques in transcatheter tricuspid valve repair and replacement 
  • Detail tips for budgeting and billing in the congenital cath lab, developing the cath lab manager, and constructing a new cath lab and ICMR suite. 
  • Discuss the latest stent technology for congenital heart disease. 
  • Understand tips and tricks for implantation of the new self-expanding transcatheter pulmonary valves  

Topics Covered 

The congenital heart disease track in 2023 focuses on tools of the trade. Topics covered include state-of-the-art Fontan interventions, transcatheter tricuspid valve replacements and repairs, complex interventions for stage I palliation of HLHS, and tips and tricks for self-expanding transcatheter pulmonary valves. 

Featured Sessions
Congenital Heart Disease Council—Meet the Leaders
TPVR: New Tools in the Toolbox
Structural Heart Disease and Congenital Heart Disease Joint Session: Tricuspid Valve Intervention
Learn, Develop and Connect at SCAI 2023 Scientific Sessions

May 18 - 20, 2023

Phoenix, Arizona