Industry Opportunities | SCAI

Industry Opportunities

Mortality from cardiogenic shock complicating myocardial infraction remains high, approaching or exceeding 50% throughout the past 30 years, despite the development of percutaneous mechanical circulatory support technology and the national standard of emergent angioplasty and stenting.

SCAI SHOCK serves as a setting where the current diagnosis and management techniques of cardiogenic shock using the SCAI SHOCK classification system can be shared and discussed. 

Through lectures, case-based presentations, breakout sessions, and simulations, attendees gain knowledge and practical know-how they can apply to daily practice. 

Find out more about the sponsorship opportunities available!

At SCAI SHOCK, you can showcase your organization in various ways, including advertising, exhibiting, sponsoring a satellite symposium, and sponsoring promotional opportunities. Additional benefits are available to SCAI's corporate community. 


SCAI appreciates the vision and continued support of the following corporate community members.


If you have any questions about the industry opportunities available at 2024 SCAI SHOCK please either call Sandy Hung at 202-552-0790, or email: